Sunday, September 5, 2010

capturing moments...

Is it possible to capture every moment with a camera...I once thought "yes," but learned yesterday that the best moments are captured with our hearts. I only wish I could guarantee that those moments wouldn't one day be lost in my memory. I was playing photographer yesterday while Zack was looking at a butterfly and Maggie was picking soybeans from the field. My camera battery ran out, and it was at that moment that the sunshine shifted to that beautiful orangey-hue and father and daughter were perfectly cute. I tried to click my mental camera as Mike turned and did the same to myself and I wish I could remember these moments forever. It makes me teary to think that they will one day not want to look/poke/discover/listen and talk about everything with us and I guess my hope is that I continue to have a fun and precious relationship with them, for their entire lives. I think my parents have done that with me. I am radiating LOVE LOVE LOVE these days. I am so happy.


  1. What a lovely post! I have literally thousands of photographs of the kids (I have twins too, boy and girl and an older lass)and have learned that sometimes, the camera needs to be gently placed down and to take that mental image you talked about. Lovely. :O)

    LOVE your cakes, I'm your newest follower. x

  2. Hi Helen,
    I'm so excited to have a new follower! How did you find me? When you get a chance, become a Facebook fan too so I can find out a little bit about you :-)

    Its amazing how many photos we take these days, trying to capture our lives instead of perhaps living in the moment. I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one who was getting caught up in it all.
