What a fabulous day! We got up early this morning to venture down to Stanley Park to go biking. Zack & Maggie had a little taste of a bike ride when we were in Courtenay two weekends ago and they loved it! We have been wanting to bike the Stanley Park Seawall for a long time, and today was finally the day! We rented bikes, one with a seat on the back (old school) and one with the seat on the front. I was a bit afraid of the seat on the front, but tried it twice during the 8km bike ride and actually liked it. We saw horses pulling a trolley car, ducks, planes landing and taking off, a WHALE (right under the Lion's Gate Bridge), seagulls, twin babies in a stroller, and had a ton of fun.
The day started out as grey and gloomy, you couldn't see the mountains, and it was a bit cold. Everyone was excited though, and it fueled the fires. As we rounded the corner to see the bridge, the sun started to peek out and it ended up being a beautiful day. You don't need mother nature to provide a beautiful day to have a beautiful day, but it sure does help the memories imprint harder into your brain...that's how I feel anyway. I think sometimes when the weather is not that nice, my brain remembers that and allows the fun we had to fade into the background. Needless to say I was very pleased with the day in all.
We felt like tourists in our city today. Renting bikes by Stanley Park is a very typical activity for tourists. It was kind of neat to pretend and explore. I guess we have acted like tourists a lot this summer, trying to make the most of the weather and the time off I have had. Thank you Vancouver!!