Sunday, August 22, 2010


so, I've started a new project - Etsy. When I was at the Portabello West show, one of the vendors approached me and told me that I should definitely check out Etsy, as it could really help my business grow. I looked into it and am very impressed. Their mission is "to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers. Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice:
$Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade." I had always visited local markets, lovingly looking at the wares of the creative, local person, but didn't know that I could do this, at any time, from my own home. I also didn't know the wealth of talent out there in the baking department. I have spent hours and hours scouring the internet for amazing, inspiring, people, and a lot of the people I've found are into Etsy too. So I took a leap, started my own shop, and wonder where it will take me. I still need to get my name out there, but hope that there are local people who search for baked goods via Etsy too. I also need to get the crafty portion of my business going so it can add dimension to the shop. Here is my my Etsy shop, the iBakery

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