My friend Shannon has a daughter named Stella. She is one week younger than Zack & Maggie and had her birthday party this past Sunday. Shannon asked if I would make the cake and cookie favours and of course, I said yes!! Shannon gave me creative control over the cake, so I did some research online and found a beautiful cake design that I thought would be perfect on a hot pink cake.

I added the tinkerbell image that was on the cookie favours to the cake and a few non-pareils and it was complete. The inside was a white cake with a layer of the pink buttercream inside. I also made cupcakes for the party, chocolate cake with pink buttercream, as we thought it might be easier for people to eat these instead of cake juggled on plates.

Turns out everyone wanted cake at the party and I think took a cupcake or two home for later. Shannon has a beautiful cake stand which displayed the cupcakes perfectly. A cake stand is something I really need to invest in. I think I'll start scouring the antique shops for one as I would like a vintage glass cake stand. Anyway, the cookie favours for the party were inspired by the cookies in the TomKat Studio's "Kate's Fairy Garden Party." This blog has been a great resource for me lately as I modeled some of the treats and party toppers for Z&M's birthday party from this as well. I asked Shannon if I could make these for her, and I kept a few extra to showcase at Portabello West this weekend, where I have a booth this coming Sunday! The party was a ton of fun and was full of wonderful food, face painting, ballon animals, and great people. Thanks, Shannon!
Hey!! What a beautiful birthday party. I am in love with the cute cupcakes and want to make similar one for my birthday party too. That will take place at LA venue. Have gathered many more ideas for the day. Just want to have amazing celebrations.